Verschmelzen (ww):
samensmelten(en) to form from different elements.
(en) to join into a single mass.
(en) intransitive: to melt together.
(en) transitive: to melt together., versmelten(en) to form from different elements.
(en) to join into a single mass.
(en) intransitive: to melt together.
(en) transitive: to melt together., samenvoegen(en) to fuse into a single entity.
(en) to conflate.
(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole., doen samensmelten(en) to join into a single mass.
(en) to form from different elements., doen versmelten(en) to join into a single mass.
(en) to form from different elements., verbinden(en) to fuse into a single entity.
(en) to conflate., fuseren(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole., fusioneren(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole., mengen(fr) Réunir, mêler des choses, des personnes., samengaan(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole., samengroeien(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole., samenkomen(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole., samenvloeien(en) (intransitive) to combine into a whole.
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