Bau (zn):
gebouw(en) closed structure with walls and a roof.
(en) act or process of building.
(fi) ihmisen tekemä rakennelma, jossa on katto, seinät ja lattia.
(fr) Construction.
(sv) process.
(sv) byggnad.
(sv) byggarbetsplats., bouw(en) physique.
(en) closed structure with walls and a roof.
(en) act or process of building.
(sv) process.
(sv) byggnad.
(sv) byggarbetsplats., hol(en) a tunnel or hole.
(en) of an animal.
(en) home of certain animals.
(fr) Habitat souterrain de bêtes sauvages.
(ga) pluais ainmhí.
(pl) —., werf(sv) process.
(sv) byggnad.
(sv) byggarbetsplats., bouwen(en) closed structure with walls and a roof.
(en) act or process of building., bedding(ga) pluais ainmhí., bouwsel(fr) Construction., bouwwerk(fr) Construction., burcht(en) a tunnel or hole., constructie(fr) Construction., grafheuvel(ga) pluais ainmhí., huiskamer(en) home of certain animals., hunebed(ga) pluais ainmhí., leefkamer(en) home of certain animals., leger(en) of an animal., nest(fr) Habitat souterrain de bêtes sauvages., perceel(fr) Construction., weefsel(en) figurative framework underlying a structure., woonkamer(en) home of certain animals.
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