Bulle (zn):
bul(ca) Animal bòvid, no castrat.
(ca) Animal bòvid, no castrat.
(en) seal.
(en) large, strong man.
(en) adult male animal.
(en) document.
(en) finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices.
(en) slang: policeman.
(en) uncastrated adult male bovine.
(pl) —., smeris(en) slang: policeman.
(en) finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices.
(en) slang: policeman.
(en) large, strong man.
(en) adult male animal.
(en) uncastrated adult male bovine.
(en) police officer.
(en) offensive slang for police officer.
(fr) Policier.
(sv) (slang) polis., flik(fr) policier.
(en) large, strong man.
(en) adult male animal.
(en) finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices.
(en) slang: policeman.
(en) uncastrated adult male bovine.
(en) police officer.
(en) offensive slang for police officer.
(sv) (slang) polis., stier(en) large, strong man.
(en) adult male animal.
(en) finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices.
(en) uncastrated adult male bovine.
(en) slang: policeman.
(es) —.
(pl) —., beer(en) uncastrated adult male bovine.
(en) finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices.
(en) large, strong man.
(en) adult male animal.
(en) slang: policeman., kolos(en) large, strong man.
(en) slang: policeman.
(en) finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices.
(en) adult male animal.
(en) uncastrated adult male bovine., os(ca) Animal bòvid, no castrat.
(ca) Animal bòvid, no castrat.
(no) storfehann., juut(en) police officer.
(en) offensive slang for police officer., wout(en) slang: policeman.
(en) offensive slang for police officer., zegel(en) seal.
(en) document., diender(en) police officer., hoer(en) offensive slang for police officer., kankerlijer(en) offensive slang for police officer., kit(en) offensive slang for police officer., klabak(en) police officer., smeerlap(en) offensive slang for police officer., tiefushoer(en) offensive slang for police officer., vleesklomp(en) big (and possibly clumsy) person., zwijn(en) offensive slang for police officer.
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