Lage (zn):
laag(de) —.
(ca) Extensió uniforme de material que cobreix alguna cosa.
(ca) Extensió uniforme de material que cobreix alguna cosa.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material.
(en) item of clothing worn under or over another.
(en) single thickness of some material covering a surface.
(ja) 重なり., plaats(de) —.
(en) one's status with regard to circumstances.
(en) position vis-à-vis surroundings.
(en) place.
(en) location.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., ligging(de) —.
(en) that part which is facing or exposed to something, e.g. the sun, weather, sky, or a view.
(en) gardening: the amount of sun, wind etc. experienced by a particular site., bereik(de) —.
(de) —., positie(de) —.
(de) —., katern(de) —., omstandigheden(de) —., wisselslag(de) —., locatie(en) one's status with regard to circumstances.
(en) position vis-à-vis surroundings.
(en) place.
(en) location., situatie(en) specific situation.
(en) location.
(en) one's status with regard to circumstances.
(en) position vis-à-vis surroundings., blad(en) thin, flat layer of solid material., hachelijke situatie(en) an unfortunate or trying position or condition., stand van zaken(en) specific situation., toestand(en) specific situation.
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