Mitleid (zn):
medelijden(de) —.
(en) act of commiserating.
(en) deep awareness of the suffering of another.
(en) feeling of sympathy.
(en) feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another.
(pl) —., deernis(en) deep awareness of the suffering of another.
(en) feeling of sympathy., jammer(ca) 2. Allò que inspira pietat..
(ca) 2. Allò que inspira pietat.., erbarmen(en) forgiveness or compassion., genade(en) forgiveness or compassion., medeleven(en) act of commiserating., sympathie(en) feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another., vergeving(en) forgiveness or compassion., vergiffenis(en) forgiveness or compassion.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken