Regel (zn):
regel(de) —.
(de) —.
(ca) Norma, guia.
(ca) Norma, guia.
(en) a normal condition or state of affairs.
(en) regulation.
(fr) Menstruations..
(fr) Principe, maxime, loi..
(pt) (fenômeno fisiológico do período fértil da mulher).
(pt) (preceito, norma ou lei).
(pl) —., menstruatie(en) periodic discharging of the menses.
(tr) biyoloji, fizyoloji, jinekoloji., beginsel(pl) —., maatstaf(pl) —., norm(en) that which is normal., ongesteldheid(en) periodic discharging of the menses., overlevering(en) all the facts and traditions about a particular subject., principe(pl) —.
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