Sinn (zn):
zin(de) —.
(de) —.
(de) —.
(de) —.
(de) —.
(en) significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life".
(fr) (Biologie) Perception.
(fr) Signification.
(sv) syfte, relevans; betydelse {{?}}
., betekenis(en) significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life".
(en) natural ability.
(en) sound judgement.
(en) manner by which living beings perceive the physical world.
(en) semantics term.
(en) conscious awareness.
(fr) (Biologie) Perception.
(fr) Signification.
(sv) syfte, relevans; betydelse {{?}}
., zintuig(ca) Facultat del cos.
(ca) Facultat del cos.
(en) natural ability.
(en) sound judgement.
(en) manner by which living beings perceive the physical world.
(en) semantics term.
(en) conscious awareness.
(fr) Signification.
(fr) (Biologie) Perception., gevoel(en) natural ability.
(en) conscious awareness.
(en) sound judgement.
(en) semantics term.
(en) manner by which living beings perceive the physical world., gewaarwording(en) natural ability.
(en) manner by which living beings perceive the physical world.
(en) sound judgement.
(en) conscious awareness.
(en) semantics term., verstand(en) ability for rational thought.
(pt) (sentido de uma palavra)., waarneming(fr) Signification.
(fr) (Biologie) Perception., denkvermogen(en) ability for rational thought., doel(fr) Objectif., doelstelling(fr) Objectif., geest(en) ability for rational thought., oogmerk(fr) Objectif., psyche(en) ability for rational thought., rede(en) ability for rational thought., waarde(en) significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life".
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken