Verband (zn):
vereniging(en) a group or association of cooperating members.
(en) the act of uniting or the state of being united.
(en) group of persons associated for a common purpose.
(zh) 專業團體., verband(en) medical binding made with strip of gauze or similar.
(fr) Architecture, maçonnerie.
(pt) (tira longa de gaze que serve para curativos)., tralie(en) partially ordered set.
(fr) (Mathématiques) Ensemble ordonné dans lequel tout couple d'éléments possède toujours une borne supérieure et une borne inférieure.., unie(en) the act of uniting or the state of being united.
(zh) 專業團體., vakbond(en) the act of uniting or the state of being united.
(zh) 專業團體., verbond(en) a group or association of cooperating members.
(en) the act of uniting or the state of being united., bandage(en) medical binding made with strip of gauze or similar., bond(pl) —., hoofdstuk(en) a division of an organization., kapittel(en) a division of an organization., liga(en) a group or association of cooperating members., samenstelling(en) sequence of railroad carriages or cars that form a unit., zwachtel(en) medical binding made with strip of gauze or similar., 動詞ond(zh) 專業團體.
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