Zoll (zn):
douane(en) official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit.
(fr) Administration chargée de contrôler les frontières et de percevoir des taxes.
(ja) 税関施設.
(ja) 政府機関としての税関., tol(en) the customary toll, tax, or tribute.
(fi) tullimaksu.
(fi) tulliasema.
(fi) tullilaitos., douanerecht(en) duties imposed.
(ja) 国が外国からの輸入品に課税すること.
(zh) 稅., duim(en) unspecified but very short distance.
(en) English unit of length and traditional equivalents.
(pl) —., tarief(en) duties imposed.
(ja) 国が外国からの輸入品に課税すること.
(zh) 稅., douanerechten(en) the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods.
(ja) 国が外国からの輸入品に課税すること., haarbreed(en) unspecified but very short distance.
(en) English unit of length and traditional equivalents., accijns(en) the customary toll, tax, or tribute., heffing(en) the customary toll, tax, or tribute., taks(en) tax; tariff.
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