kräftig (bn):
ferm(de) —., krachtvol(de) —., krachtig(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) fast moving water.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
(en) —.
(en) rapid of growth.
(en) physically strong and active., sterk(en) capable of producing great physical force.
(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) fast moving water.
(en) —.
(en) physically strong and active.
(en) rapid of growth., geconcentreerd(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) fast moving water.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
(en) —., stevig(en) powerfully or heavily built.
(en) firmly or solidly built.
(fr) Fort., forsgebouwd(en) well-built., gespierd(en) well-built., kwiek(en) lively and vigorous., levendig(en) lively and vigorous., potig(fr) Fort., robuust(en) firmly or solidly built.
kräftig (bw):
hard(pl) —., krachtig(en) with intense energy., stevig(pl) —., vinnig(en) with intense energy.
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