Vertaling van 'schneiden' uit het Duits naar het Nederlands

schneiden (ww):
snijden(de) —.
(ca) Trencar o separar un objecte amb ajuda d'un instrument.
(en) to aggressively move in front of another vehicle.
(en) to cut.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(fr) Couper net, séparer en coupant.
(sv) få skärsår.
(sv) dela något med vasst blad.
(ru) рассекать.
(pl) —.
(sv) möta och korsa.
, knippen(en) to cut.
(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(sv) dela med sax.
(sv) redigera film eller band.
, scheiden(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
, schudden(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
, spijbelen(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
, stoppen(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
, verdelen(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
, verminderen(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) to intersect dividing into half.
(en) to cut out fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes.
(en) to divide a pack of playing cards.
, afsnijden(en) to cut.
(it) dividere usando una lama affilata.
, doorsnijden(es) —., draadtappen(en) to cut an internal screw thread in (a hole); to cut (an internal screw thread) in a hole; to create an internally threaded hole in (something)., maaien(en) to cut down., oogsten(en) to cut with a sickle or other implement., overlappen(en) (used of sets) to have some elements in common., scheren(en) to cut., snerpen(fr) Couper net, séparer en coupant., snoeien(en) trim a tree or shrub.

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