ständig (bw):
continu(en) without pause.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., altijd(en) at all times.
(en) (colloquially) constantly or frequently., bestendig(pl) —.
(pl) —., onophoudelijk(en) in a manner without pause or stop.
(fr) En se répétant continuellement., aanhoudend(en) in a manner without pause or stop., aldoor(fr) Sans interruption, de manière continue.., altoos(en) at all times., bij voortduring(fr) Sans interruption, de manière continue.., immer(en) at all times., onophoudend(en) in a manner without pause or stop., permanent(fr) Sans interruption, de manière continue.., steed(en) (colloquially) constantly or frequently., steeds(en) at all times., voortdurend(fr) Sans interruption, de manière continue..
ständig (bn):
permanent(de) —.
(en) without end.
(en) lasting for an indefinitely long time., telkens(de) —., bestendig(en) without end.
(en) lasting for an indefinitely long time., eeuwig(en) without end.
(en) lasting for an indefinitely long time., voorgoed(en) lasting for an indefinitely long time.
(en) without end., voortdurend(en) without pause or stop; not ending.
(es) —., hardnekkig(en) indefinitely continuous., onophoudelijk(en) without pause or stop; not ending., stilstaand(en) permanent.
ständig (ww):
''use the past tense with an indication of time in the past such as voorheen or vroeger''(en) formerly and habitually or repeatedly.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken