Vertaling van 'unterscheiden' uit het Duits naar het Nederlands

unterscheiden (ww):
onderscheiden(de) —.
(de) —.
(ca) Diferenciar, discriminar.
(en) to distinguish or differentiate.
(en) to perceive the difference.
(en) to distinguish something as being different from something else; to differentiate.
(en) to perceive differences.
(en) to see someone or something as different from others.
(sv) uppfatta som olika.
(es) —.
, verschillen(de) —.
(en) not to have the same characteristics.
(fr) Être dissemblable.
, onderkennen(de) —., schillen(de) —., differentiëren(en) to distinguish or differentiate.
(en) to perceive the difference.
(fr) Distinguer.
, scheiden(en) to cause to be separate.
(fi) nähdä ero.
, afwijken(en) not to have the same characteristics., afzonderen(en) to cause to be separate., discrimineren(en) to perceive the difference., vertellen(en) to discern, notice, identify or distinguish., zeggen(en) to discern, notice, identify or distinguish.

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