άτλας (zn):
atlas(en) bound collection of maps.
(en) bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc., on any subject.
(en) (architecture) a figure of a man used as a column; [[telamon]].
(en) (anatomy) The uppermost [[vertebra]] of the [[neck]].
(en) one who supports a heavy burden; mainstay.
(zh) 頸椎的最上部椎骨.
(zh) 集合多張地圖的書籍., kaart(en) visual representation of an area.
(zh) 圖形., landkaart(en) visual representation of an area.
(zh) 圖形., plan(en) visual representation of an area.
(zh) 圖形., plattegrond(en) visual representation of an area.
(zh) 圖形.
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