γλυκό (zn):
dessert(ca) Part final d’un àpat.
(ca) Part final d’un àpat.
(en) sweet confection served as the last course of a meal.
(ku) xwarinên şîrîn., nagerecht(en) sweet confection served as the last course of a meal.
(ku) xwarinên şîrîn., toetje(en) sweet confection served as the last course of a meal.
(ku) xwarinên şîrîn., cake(fr) Pâtisserie., confituur(ru) сладкое кушанье., jam(ru) сладкое кушанье., koek(fr) Pâtisserie., taart(de) Gastronomie: süßes Gebäck; aus gebackenem Teig bestehendes Nahrungsmittel beziehungsweise Genussmittel.
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Via: Memodata.com