γραμμή (zn):
lijn(en) fortifications: trench or rampart.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure.
(it) geometria.
(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., aansluiting(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) fortifications: trench or rampart.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure., lijnstuk(en) fortifications: trench or rampart.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure., loopgraaf(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) fortifications: trench or rampart.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure., rechte(en) fortifications: trench or rampart.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure., regel(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure.
(en) fortifications: trench or rampart., streep(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) fortifications: trench or rampart., touw(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc..
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) fortifications: trench or rampart., verbinding(en) geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure.
(en) fortifications: trench or rampart.
(en) official, stated position of an individual or political faction.
(en) telephone or network connection.
(en) geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure.
(en) music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(en) path through two or more points, threadlike mark.
(en) single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc.., richtlijn(de) Recht: eine rechtsverbindliche Vorschrift oder Anweisung, ohne Gesetzescharakter., richtsnoer(de) Recht: eine rechtsverbindliche Vorschrift oder Anweisung, ohne Gesetzescharakter., spoor(fi) rautatieliikenteen käyttöön kiskoista rakennettu raidetie; raideliikenneväylä kaikkine siihen kuuluvine raiteineen, laitteineen ja järjestelmineen., spoorlijn(fi) rautatieliikenteen käyttöön kiskoista rakennettu raidetie; raideliikenneväylä kaikkine siihen kuuluvine raiteineen, laitteineen ja järjestelmineen., spoorweg(fi) rautatieliikenteen käyttöön kiskoista rakennettu raidetie; raideliikenneväylä kaikkine siihen kuuluvine raiteineen, laitteineen ja järjestelmineen.
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