δικαιοσύνη (zn):
gerechtigheid(de) Einstellung, Prinzip, Zustand, bei denen jede Person das erhält, was ihr zusteht.
(en) justice, impartiality and fairness.
(en) the civil power dealing with law.
(en) state of being just or fair.
(tr) kanunlarla herkesin kendi hakkının kullanılmasının sağlanması.
(pl) —.
(pt) —.
(pt) —., rechtvaardigheid(en) state of being just or fair.
(en) the civil power dealing with law.
(fr) Sentiment, valeur morale d’équilibre et de mérite.
(fr) Institution qui punit les infractions contre la loi.
(tr) kanunlarla herkesin kendi hakkının kullanılmasının sağlanması.
(pt) —.
(pt) —., gerecht(en) state of being just or fair.
(en) the civil power dealing with law.
(pt) —.
(pt) —., justitie(en) the civil power dealing with law.
(en) state of being just or fair.
(fr) Institution qui punit les infractions contre la loi.
(fr) Sentiment, valeur morale d’équilibre et de mérite., billijkheid(fr) Sentiment, valeur morale d’équilibre et de mérite.
(fr) Institution qui punit les infractions contre la loi.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com