μερισμός (zn):
aandeel(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., deel(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., diërese(en) natural break in rhythm when a word ends at the end of a metrical foot in a line of verse., diëresis(en) natural break in rhythm when a word ends at the end of a metrical foot in a line of verse., opdeling(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., part(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., partitie(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., splitsing(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., verdeling(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another.
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