σώμα (zn):
lichaam(ca) Part material dels éssers vius.
(ca) Part material dels éssers vius.
(en) mathematics (algebra): a commutative ring satisfying the field axioms.
(de) Sozialkunde, Soziologie: Menge an Personen in einer Körperschaft.
(de) historisch zuerst: Organismus eines Lebewesens in seiner Gesamtheit.
(de) bei Tier und Mensch gelegentlich auch bloß: der Rumpf.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) substance, material presence.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(lt) kūnas.
(no) Innen matematikk.
(ru) организм.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., corpus(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence.
(en) linguistics: collection of writings.
(zh) 經過整理、具有既定格式與標記的大量文本., deel(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence.
(lt) kūnas., deeltje(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence.
(lt) kūnas., lijf(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence., massa(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence., orgaan(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) substance, material presence.
(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal., organisatie(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) substance, material presence.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group., substantie(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence., verzameling(en) organisation, company or other authoritative group.
(en) any physical object or material thing.
(en) fleshly or corporeal nature of a human.
(en) comparative viscosity, solidity or substance.
(en) collection of knowledge.
(en) physical structure of a human or animal.
(en) substance, material presence., macht(en) group that aims to attack, control, or constrain., troep(en) group that aims to attack, control, or constrain., veld(en) mathematics (algebra): a commutative ring satisfying the field axioms.
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