τρόπος (zn):
manier(en) method or manner.
(fr) Action de faire.
(pt) (método).
(pt) (modo, jeito como algo é feito).
(pl) —.
(pl) —., figuurlijke uitdrukking(en) music: short cadence at the end of the melody.
(en) music, Roman Catholicism: phrase or verse added to the Mass., troop(en) music, Roman Catholicism: phrase or verse added to the Mass.
(en) music: short cadence at the end of the melody., dictie(de) Art des mündlichen oder schriftlichen Ausdrucks., dictio(de) Art des mündlichen oder schriftlichen Ausdrucks., stijl(en) manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art., wijze(en) means of accomplishing something.
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