φακός (zn):
lens(el) —.
(en) anatomy: transparent crystalline structure in the eye.
(en) device which focuses or defocuses electron beams.
(en) object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it.
(fr) Verre taillé.
(zh) 眼球的主要屈光結構., zaklamp(el) —.
(ca) Llum elèctric portàtil.
(ca) Llum elèctric portàtil.
(en) battery-powered hand-held light source.
(de) handliche, tragbare Lampe.
(pl) —., kristallens(en) object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it.
(en) device which focuses or defocuses electron beams.
(en) anatomy: transparent crystalline structure in the eye.
(zh) 眼球的主要屈光結構., zaklantaarn(en) battery-powered hand-held light source.
(de) handliche, tragbare Lampe., objectief(pl) —.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com