obstruction (zn):
Getting in someone's way
obstruction (zn):
Any structure that makes progress difficult
obstruction (zn):
Something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted
opstructie, belemmering, obstakel, opstakel
Via: Ensyns.nl
obstruction (zn):
hindernis(en) —.
(de) Erschwernis, Hindernis.
(ja) :困難、手間、障害.
(zh) 阻礙進展的人或事物.
(zh) 妨礙通行的物品、設施., belemmering(en) —.
(zh) 妨礙通行的物品、設施.
(zh) 阻礙進展的人或事物., obstakel(en) —.
(zh) 妨礙通行的物品、設施.
(zh) 阻礙進展的人或事物., obstructie(en) —.
(en) —., beletsel(zh) 妨礙通行的物品、設施.
(zh) 阻礙進展的人或事物., impediment(zh) 妨礙通行的物品、設施.
(zh) 阻礙進展的人或事物.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com