Vertaling van 'abogada' uit het Spaans naar het Nederlands

abogada (zn):
advocaat(en) person who argues the case of another.
(en) lawyer.
(en) professional person authorized to practice law.
(sv) yrke.
(ru) юрист, занимающийся оказанием юридической помощи.
(zh) 為當事人提供法律諮詢和代理服務的專業人士.
, advocate(en) person who argues the case of another.
(en) professional person authorized to practice law.
(fr) Professionnelle du droit.
(zh) 為當事人提供法律諮詢和代理服務的專業人士.
(de) —.
, jurist(en) professional person authorized to practice law.
(zh) 為當事人提供法律諮詢和代理服務的專業人士.
, raadsman(en) professional person authorized to practice law.
(zh) 為當事人提供法律諮詢和代理服務的專業人士.
, raadsvrouw(en) professional person authorized to practice law.
(zh) 為當事人提供法律諮詢和代理服務的專業人士.
, verdedigster(en) person who argues the case of another.
(fr) Celle qui défend contre les attaques.
, verdediger(en) person who argues the case of another.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken