Vertaling van 'auditorio' uit het Spaans naar het Nederlands

auditorio (zn):
gehoorzaal(en) large room for public meetings or performances.
(en) space where the audience is located.
(pt) (local onde fica a audiência em um teatro, etc).
, auditorium(en) space where the audience is located.
(en) large room for public meetings or performances.
, collegezaal(de) Vorlesungsraum einer Hochschule, meist mit ansteigenden Sitzreihen.
(en) room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor.
, zaal(en) large room for public meetings or performances.
(en) space where the audience is located.
, aula(sv) större sal för samlingar.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken