Vertaling van 'caja' uit het Spaans naar het Nederlands

caja (zn):
doos(ca) Receptacle rígid.
(ca) Receptacle rígid.
(de) Verpackung, meistens in der Form eines Quaders.
(sv) (mindre och flyttbar) behållare.
(en) cuboid space; container.
(en) as much as fills a box.
(fr) Objet rigide et creux ayant la capacité de se fermer.
(ja) —.
(it) contenitore.
(lt) lt.
, kist(de) massiver Behälter, meist aus Holz.
(en) outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus.
(en) piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus.
(en) box containing a number of identical items of manufacture.
(en) (printing, historical) a shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(en) typography: the nature of a piece of alphabetic type.
(en) cuboid space; container.
(en) as much as fills a box.
(fr) Contenant parallélépipédique.
(ru) полое вместилище в форме параллелепипеда.
, kassa(en) supermarket checkout position.
(en) place with a cash register.
(en) machine.
(en) cash register.
(fi) aukioloajan varat.
(fi) myymälän kassa.
, kast(en) typography: the nature of a piece of alphabetic type.
(en) piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus.
(en) box containing a number of identical items of manufacture.
(en) outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus.
(en) (printing, historical) a shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
, omhulsel(en) (printing, historical) a shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(en) typography: the nature of a piece of alphabetic type.
(en) outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus.
(en) piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus.
(en) box containing a number of identical items of manufacture.
, tas(en) outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus.
(en) box containing a number of identical items of manufacture.
(en) piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus.
(en) typography: the nature of a piece of alphabetic type.
(en) (printing, historical) a shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
, trappenhuis(de) ''[[Architektur]]:'' [[Bereich]] eines [[Gebäude]]s mit einer [[Treppe]], die zu anderen [[Geschoss]]en [[führen|führt]].
(en) a shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase.
(fr) Espace compris entre les murs qui enferment un escalier..
, krat(en) box or basket.
(fr) Contenant parallélépipédique.
, blik(de) kleiner Behälter mit Deckel zur Aufbewahrung von Objekten., huis(fr) Espace compris entre les murs qui enferment un escalier.., karton(en) box-like container., kas(de) ein abschließbarer Behälter zur Aufbewahrung von Geld (Geldscheine, Münzen)., la(sv) (mindre och flyttbar) behållare., lade(sv) (mindre och flyttbar) behållare., snaredrum(en) tubular drum., snarentrom(en) tubular drum., trommel(pt) (instrumento musical).

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