Vertaling van 'público' uit het Spaans naar het Nederlands

público (zn):
publiek(de) Bezeichnung für die Öffentlichkeit, sowie für die Gesamtheit der Zuschauer, Zuhörer und Besucher.
(en) readership of a written publication.
(en) group of people seeing a performance.
(en) members of the community or the people in general.
(fi) ihmiset, jotka katsovat jotakin tapahtumaa.
(fr) Masse de gens non structurée.
, lezers(en) readership of a written publication.
(en) group of people seeing a performance.
, lezerspubliek(en) readership of a written publication.
(en) group of people seeing a performance.
, lezerskring(fr) Ensemble des lecteurs., luisteraar(de) Person, die einem akustischen Ereignis folgt., openbaarheid(de) breite Masse der Leute., toehoorder(de) Person, die einem akustischen Ereignis folgt.

público (bn):
openbaar(de) so, dass es jeder benutzen darf.
(en) officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the government or state on behalf of the community.
(en) pertaining to people as a whole, as opposed to a group of people.
(en) able to be known or seen by everyone.
(en) open to all members of a community, as opposed to only a segment of it.
(fr) Qui se fait en présence de tout le monde.
(fr) Qui appartient à l'État.
(fr) Qui est commun, à l'usage de tous.
(fr) Qui appartient au peuple dans son entier.
(fr) Manifeste, connu de tout le monde.
(sv) tillgänglig för allmänheten.
(sv) tillgänglig för alla.
, publiek(en) pertaining to people as a whole, as opposed to a group of people.
(en) open to all members of a community, as opposed to only a segment of it.
(en) officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the government or state on behalf of the community.
(en) able to be known or seen by everyone.
(fi) yleisessä tiedossa oleva.
, overheids-(en) able to be known or seen by everyone.
(en) open to all members of a community, as opposed to only a segment of it.
(en) officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the government or state on behalf of the community.
(en) pertaining to people as a whole, as opposed to a group of people.
, staats-(en) officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the government or state on behalf of the community.
(en) able to be known or seen by everyone.
(en) pertaining to people as a whole, as opposed to a group of people.
(en) open to all members of a community, as opposed to only a segment of it.
, algemeen(sv) tillgänglig för allmänheten.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken