Vertaling van 'rancio' uit het Spaans naar het Nederlands

rancio (bn):
muf(en) having lost its freshness.
(fr) Qui a perdu sa fraicheur.
, ouderwets(en) outdated or no longer in vogue.
(en) having lost its freshness.
, ranzig(de) von Fetten, Öl, Butter: alt und daher schlecht riechend.
(en) having a very strong and bad odor.
, brak(en) having lost its freshness., oud(en) having lost its freshness., oudbakken(en) having lost its freshness., rans(en) having a very strong and bad odor., stinkend(en) having a very strong and bad odor., verschaald (beer)(en) having lost its freshness., vervallen(en) having lost its freshness.

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