Vertaling van 'turba' uit het Spaans naar het Nederlands

turba (zn):
turf(el) ποάνθρακας· μερικώς αποσυντεθειμένη οργανική ύλη.
(en) soil.
(en) a piece of peat used as fuel.
(de) —.
(pl) —.
, massa(en) group of people.
(en) unruly group of people.
, menigte(en) group of people.
(en) unruly group of people.
, graszode(en) a piece of peat used as fuel., hoop(en) group of people., kudde(en) unruly group of people., schare(en) group of people., veen(en) soil., zwerm(en) group of things; host or swarm.

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