bloquer (ww):
blokkeren(de) jemanden oder etwas den Weg versperren.
(en) to prevent an action.
(en) to prevent passing.
(en) to disable communication.
(en) to obstruct the passage of., versperren(en) to prevent an action.
(en) to prevent passing.
(en) to disable communication.
(en) to obstruct the passage of., tegenhouden(en) to prevent an action.
(en) to prevent passing.
(en) to disable communication., verhinderen(en) to prevent an action.
(en) to prevent passing.
(en) to disable communication., advocatuur(en) to obstruct the passage of., baar(en) to obstruct the passage of., balie(en) to obstruct the passage of., ban(en) to obstruct the passage of., bar(en) to obstruct the passage of., blok(en) to obstruct the passage of., orde van advocaten(en) to obstruct the passage of., reep(en) to obstruct the passage of., staaf(en) to obstruct the passage of., stang(en) to obstruct the passage of., stuk(en) to obstruct the passage of., tapkast(en) to obstruct the passage of., toog(en) to obstruct the passage of., verbod(en) to obstruct the passage of., zandbank(en) to obstruct the passage of.
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