cube (zn):
kubus(fr) —.
(en) geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces.
(en) arithmetic: number raised to the third power.
(lt) lt.
(sv) tredje potensen.
(sv) geometri.
(zh) 幾何體.
(de) —., derde macht(fr) —.
(en) geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces.
(en) arithmetic: number raised to the third power., blok(fr) —., dobbelsteen(fr) —., klontje(fr) —., regelmatig zesvlak(en) geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces.
(en) arithmetic: number raised to the third power.
(zh) 幾何體., derde(sv) geometri.
(sv) tredje potensen., macht(sv) tredje potensen.
(sv) geometri.
cube (bn):
kubiek(en) in the name of units of volume.
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