flotter (ww):
drijven(de) —.
(de) —.
(en) to be capable of floating.
(en) to be supported by a liquid.
(en) to drift gently through the air.
(en) to move in a fluid manner.
(en) to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating.
(en) to allow the price of a currency to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.
(ja) 語義2-1.
(no) holdes oppe.
(sv) hålla sig flytande.
(es) —., zweven(de) schweben, gleiten, fliegen.
(en) to be supported by a liquid.
(en) to be capable of floating.
(en) to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating.
(en) to allow the price of a currency to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.
(en) to move in a fluid manner.
(en) to drift gently through the air.
(sv) flyta i luften., meedrijven(en) to drift gently through the air.
(en) to move in a fluid manner.
(en) to be capable of floating.
(en) to be supported by a liquid.
(en) to allow the price of a currency to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.
(en) to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating., vloeien(en) to drift gently through the air.
(en) to be capable of floating.
(en) to allow the price of a currency to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.
(en) to move in a fluid manner.
(en) to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating.
(en) to be supported by a liquid., zwemmen(de) —.
(de) —.
(ru) пассивно плавать на поверхности воды (о предметах).
(pl) —., bevaren(ru) пассивно плавать на поверхности воды (о предметах)., te binnen schieten(ja) 語義2-1., varen(pl) —., wapperen(en) to move back and forth repeatedly., zwaaien(en) to move back and forth repeatedly., zwenken(en) to move back and forth repeatedly.
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