responsable (bn):
verantwoordelijk(de) eine Verantwortung für etwas habend, für etwas zuständig seiend.
(en) liable to be called on to render an account.
(en) obliged to answer for one’s deeds.
(en) able to answer reasonably for one's conduct.
(en) involving a degree of personal accountability.
(en) able to be trusted.
(en) being a primary cause or agent of some event or action.
(en) having responsibility.
(en) legally responsible.
(en) answerable for an act performed or for its consequences., aansprakelijk(de) eine Verantwortung für etwas habend, für etwas zuständig seiend.
(en) liable to be called on to render an account.
(en) obliged to answer for one’s deeds.
(en) able to answer reasonably for one's conduct.
(en) involving a degree of personal accountability.
(en) able to be trusted.
(en) being a primary cause or agent of some event or action.
(en) legally responsible.
(en) answerable for an act performed or for its consequences., betrouwbaar(en) answerable for an act performed or for its consequences.
(en) able to be trusted.
(en) involving a degree of personal accountability.
(en) being a primary cause or agent of some event or action.
(en) able to answer reasonably for one's conduct., degelijk(en) able to answer reasonably for one's conduct.
(en) involving a degree of personal accountability.
(en) able to be trusted.
(en) being a primary cause or agent of some event or action.
(en) answerable for an act performed or for its consequences., responsabel(en) answerable for an act performed or for its consequences.
(en) involving a degree of personal accountability.
(en) able to be trusted.
(en) being a primary cause or agent of some event or action.
(en) able to answer reasonably for one's conduct.
responsable (zn):
verzorger(de) —.
(de) —., directeur(en) person whose job is to manage something., functionaris(de) —., manager(en) person whose job is to manage something., verantwoordelijke(de) —.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken