revenu (zn):
opbrengst(fr) —.
(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) total income from a given source.
(en) income from an investment.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.., rente(fr) —., inkomen(de) Geld, das jemand in einem bestimmten Zeitraum bekommt.
(en) money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others.
(en) total income from a given source.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a..
(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) income from an investment.
(pl) —., inkomsten(en) total income from a given source.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a..
(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) income from an investment.
(pl) —., omzet(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) total income from a given source.
(en) income from an investment.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.., overheidsinkomsten(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) income from an investment.
(en) total income from a given source.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.., staatsinkomsten(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) total income from a given source.
(en) income from an investment.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.., zakencijfer(en) turnover, total sales.
(en) total income from a given source.
(en) income from an investment.
(en) all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.., levensonderhoud(de) finanzielle oder materielle Mittel zur Deckung der täglichen Bedürfnisse.
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