volant (zn):
stuurwiel(fr) —.
(de) radförmige Vorrichtung zum Steuern von Fahrzeugen.
(ca) Peça d'un vehicle.
(ca) Objecte de bàdminton.
(ca) Objecte de bàdminton.
(ca) Peça d'un vehicle.
(en) wheel-shaped control.
(zh) 輪狀的控制裝置., shuttle(fr) —.
(de) Federball.
(en) a lightweight object that is conical in shape with a cork or rubber-covered nose, used in badminton the way a ball is used in other racquet games.
(zh) 球具., stuur(de) radförmige Vorrichtung zum Steuern von Fahrzeugen.
(de) Vorrichtung zum Lenken eines Fahrzeuges.
(en) wheel-shaped control.
(fi) ohjauspyörä.
(zh) 輪狀的控制裝置., stuurrad(de) radförmige Vorrichtung zum Steuern von Fahrzeugen.
(en) wheel-shaped control.
(zh) 輪狀的控制裝置., pluimbal(en) a lightweight object that is conical in shape with a cork or rubber-covered nose, used in badminton the way a ball is used in other racquet games.
(zh) 球具., vederbal(en) a lightweight object that is conical in shape with a cork or rubber-covered nose, used in badminton the way a ball is used in other racquet games.
(zh) 球具., vliegwiel(en) rotating mass.
(sv) (stort och tungt) hjul vars rotationsenergi utjämnar rörelsen hos en maskin., volant(en) strip of decorative material along an edge.
volant (bn):
los(fr) —., zwevend(fr) —.
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