Vertaling van 'appello' uit het Italiaans naar het Nederlands

appello (zn):
oproep(de) öffentlicher Appell, etwas zu tun oder zu unterlassen.
(en) legal document or form by which such an application is made.
(en) call to a person or an authority for a decision, help, or proof.
(en) application to a superior court or judge for a decision or order by an inferior court of judge to be reviewed and overturned.
(en) court case in which the application is argued.
(pt) (pedido urgente).
(pt) (pedido de ajuda).
, beroep(en) legal document or form by which such an application is made.
(en) call to a person or an authority for a decision, help, or proof.
(en) application to a superior court or judge for a decision or order by an inferior court of judge to be reviewed and overturned.
(en) court case in which the application is argued.
(pt) (pedido urgente).
(pt) (pedido de ajuda).
, appel(en) reading of a list of names and responses., hoger beroep(de) Rechtsmittel gegen einen Bescheid oder ein Gerichtsurteil., naamafroeping(en) reading of a list of names and responses., pleidooi(en) appeal, petition, entreaty., smeekbede(en) appeal, petition, entreaty.

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