armonia (zn):
harmonie(en) agreement or accord.
(en) pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
(en) music: two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord.
(en) music: the academic study of chords.
(ru) взаимное соответствие, согласованность.
(pt) 1 acordo perfeito., eendracht(de) die generelle Übereinstimmung oder die Übereinstimmung in einer bestimmten Frage.
(en) agreement or accord.
(en) pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
(en) music: two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord.
(en) music: the academic study of chords., overeenstemming(en) agreement or accord.
(en) pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
(en) music: two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord.
(en) music: the academic study of chords., samenklank(en) agreement or accord.
(en) pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
(en) music: two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord.
(en) music: the academic study of chords., peis(lt) taika., vrede(lt) taika.
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