causa (zn):
oorzaak(ca) Motiu, explicació, perquè.
(ca) Motiu, explicació, perquè.
(en) goal, aim, principle.
(en) source or reason of an event or action.
(en) that which causes: a cause.
(en) —.
(de) [[vorhergehend]]er [[Sachverhalt]], der einen [[momentan]]en [[Sachverhalt]] [[wesentlich]] [[bestimmen|bestimmt]] hat.
(lt) lt.
(ru) явление, обстоятельство, непосредственно порождающее, обусловливающее другое явление., reden(en) goal, aim, principle.
(en) source or reason of an event or action.
(en) that which causes: a cause.
(en) —.
(lt) lt.
(ru) явление, обстоятельство, непосредственно порождающее, обусловливающее другое явление., grond(en) that which causes: a cause.
(en) —.
(de) Ereignis, welches ein Darauffolgendes hervorgerufen hat., rechtszaak(en) law: lawsuit.
(en) case where a court is needed to resolve differences.
(zh) 有關訴訟的事件., aanleiding(en) goal, aim, principle.
(en) source or reason of an event or action., doel(en) goal, aim, principle.
(en) source or reason of an event or action., proces(en) law: lawsuit.
(zh) 有關訴訟的事件., motief(lt) lt., rekening(en) a statement and explanation or vindication., rekenschap(en) a statement and explanation or vindication., verhaal(en) a statement and explanation or vindication., verslag(en) a statement and explanation or vindication., zaak(en) case where a court is needed to resolve differences.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken