Vertaling van 'come' uit het Italiaans naar het Nederlands

come (vz):
zoals(en) —.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) such as.
(en) similar to.
(en) like.
, als(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) such as.
(en) similar to.
, aangezien(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, as(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, in de rol van(en) —.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
, naarmate(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, omdat(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, terwijl(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, toen(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, want(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, zo(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, gelijk(en) such as.
(en) similar to.
, lijkend op(en) such as.
(en) similar to.

come (bw):
hoe(en) in what state.
(en) in what manner.
(ca) De la mateixa forma, manera o mode.
(ca) De la mateixa forma, manera o mode.
(ca) De quina forma, manera o mode.
(ca) De quina forma, manera o mode.
(fr) De quelle manière, de quelle sorte.
(ja) 程度をたずねる.
(pt) (quão, o quanto).
(pt) (como, por exemplo).
(pt) (da maneira, tal qual).
(pt) (com qual intensidade).
(pt) (tido como, considerado como).
(pt) (de que modo, de qual maneira).
(ru) каким образом.
(sv) på vilket sätt.
, zoals(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
(ca) De la mateixa forma, manera o mode.
(ca) De la mateixa forma, manera o mode.
(ca) De quina forma, manera o mode.
(ca) De quina forma, manera o mode.
, als(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
(es) —.
, aangezien(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, as(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, in de rol van(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, naarmate(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, omdat(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, want(en) In the role of.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, hoeveel(ja) 程度をたずねる., waarmede(en) in what way; how., zelfs(fr) Et même, et aussi.

come (zn):
aangezien(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, als(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, as(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, in de rol van(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
, naarmate(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
, omdat(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, terwijl(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
, toen(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
, want(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, zo(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
, zoals(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.

come (vw):
als(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
(ru) каким образом.
(ru) подобно.
, zoals(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
(sv) konjunktion som uttrycker jämförelse.
, as(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, in de rol van(en) In the role of.
(en) —.
(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) in the same way that.
, toen(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, zo(en) Introducing a basis of comparison.
(en) In the role of.
(en) in the same way that.
(en) —.
, hoe(en) the manner or way in which.

come (interjection):
excuseer?(en) interjection, request to repeat., pardon(en) request to repeat., pardon?(en) interjection, request to repeat., sorry?(en) interjection, request to repeat., wat zeg je(en) request to repeat., wat zegt u(en) request to repeat.

come (phraseologicalUnit):
excuseer(en) request to repeat., pardon(en) request to repeat., wablief(en) request to repeat.

come (vnw):
hoe(pl) —.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken