criminale (zn):
crimineel(en) person guilty of a crime, breaking the law.
(de) —.
(ru) тот, кто совершает или совершил преступление., misdadiger(en) person guilty of a crime, breaking the law.
(fi) henkilö, joka ei noudata lakia., delinquent(en) person guilty of a crime, breaking the law., schurk(en) scoundrel., slechterik(en) scoundrel.
criminale (bn):
crimineel(de) straffällig, einer Straftat schuldig.
(en) being against the law.
(en) guilty of breaking the law.
(en) —., misdadig(en) being against the law.
(en) guilty of breaking the law.
(en) —., onwettig(en) guilty of breaking the law.
(en) being against the law.
(en) —.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken