fusto (zn):
fust(en) round container of lesser capacity than a barrel.
(fr) architecture.
(fr) contenant.
(ja) 樽., vat(en) round container of lesser capacity than a barrel.
(fr) architecture.
(fr) contenant.
(ja) 樽., stengel(en) botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant.
(en) stem or main axis of a plant.
(no) organ hos planter., ton(fr) architecture.
(fr) contenant.
(ja) 樽., stam(en) botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant.
(pt) (caule lenhoso)., steel(en) botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant.
(en) stem or main axis of a plant., bink(en) an attractive man., bloemsteel(en) stalk of an individual flower., boomstam(pt) (caule lenhoso)., grondwoord(en) botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant., halm(en) stem or main axis of a plant.
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