incrocio (zn):
kruising(ca) Encreuament de carrers.
(ca) Encreuament de carrers.
(en) biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding.
(en) intersection.
(en) biology: animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization.
(en) intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross.
(en) graph theory.
(en) junction of two or more paths, etc., kruispunt(en) intersection.
(en) intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross.
(en) graph theory.
(en) junction of two or more paths, etc.
(fr) Endroit où, dans les villes et à la campagne, se croisent plusieurs rues, routes, chemins..
(fr) Endroit où deux choses et spécialement deux routes se croisent.
(pl) —.
(pt) —., hybride(en) biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding.
(en) biology: animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization., samenkomst(en) place or instance of junction or intersection.
(en) a place where two things meet., aansluiting(en) a place where two things meet., centrum(en) point where many routes meet., draaischijf(en) point where many routes meet., keerpunt(en) intersection., knooppunt(en) a place where two things meet., trefpunt(en) place or instance of junction or intersection., verbindingspunt(en) a place where two things meet.
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