opinione (zn):
opinie(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(en) opinion or point of view.
(fi) näkemys asiasta tai henkilöstä.
(es) —.
(lt) lt.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., mening(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(es) —.
(lt) lt.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(sv) åsikt.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., visie(de) Art und Weise, wie man etwas versteht.
(de) —.
(en) mental image.
(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., gedachte(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., zienswijze(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., advies(ja) 考え、見解., geloof(en) something believed., impressie(en) overall effect of something., indruk(en) overall effect of something., overzicht(en) mental image., raad(ja) 考え、見解., standpunt(en) opinion or point of view., stem(en) opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote., zicht(en) mental image.
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