riduzione (zn):
vermindering(en) the act of abating or the state of being abated.
(en) An amount abated.
(en) (accounting) The deduction of minor revenues incidental to an operation.
(de) Handlung, etwas weniger oder kleiner zu machen.
(sv) minskning eller indragning.
(de) —., afname(en) An amount abated.
(en) the act of abating or the state of being abated.
(en) (accounting) The deduction of minor revenues incidental to an operation., afslag(en) (accounting) The deduction of minor revenues incidental to an operation.
(en) the act of abating or the state of being abated.
(en) An amount abated., inkrimping(en) the act of abating or the state of being abated.
(en) (accounting) The deduction of minor revenues incidental to an operation.
(en) An amount abated., korting(en) (accounting) The deduction of minor revenues incidental to an operation.
(en) An amount abated.
(en) the act of abating or the state of being abated., verzachting(en) (accounting) The deduction of minor revenues incidental to an operation.
(en) the act of abating or the state of being abated.
(en) An amount abated., heugel(en) device to suspend cooking pots over a fire., ketelhaak(en) device to suspend cooking pots over a fire., opluchting(en) reduction of something harmful., reductie(sv) minskning eller indragning., verlichting(en) reduction of something harmful.
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