solamente (bw):
alleen(en) only.
(en) without others or anything further; exclusively.
(en) no more than.
(en) only, just, and nothing more.
(en) —.
(ru) не более., louter(en) without others or anything further; exclusively.
(en) no more than.
(en) only, just, and nothing more.
(en) —., slechts(en) —.
(en) no more than.
(en) without others or anything further; exclusively.
(fi) ainoastaan, yksinomaan, pelkästään., alleen maar(en) without others or anything further; exclusively.
(en) no more than.
(en) —., enkel(en) without others or anything further; exclusively.
(en) no more than.
(en) —., maar(en) —.
(en) no more than.
(en) without others or anything further; exclusively.
solamente (particle):
alleen(pl) —., slechts(pl) —.
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