Vertaling van 'tempesta' uit het Italiaans naar het Nederlands

tempesta (zn):
storm(it) —.
(de) Meteorologie: sehr starker Wind.
(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather.
(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere between a severe or strong gale and a hurricane on the modern Beaufort scale.
(en) storm.
(en) —.
(fr) Perturbation atmosphérique.
(fr) Agitation de l’air.
, onweer(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather.
(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere between a severe or strong gale and a hurricane on the modern Beaufort scale.
(en) —.
(fr) Perturbation atmosphérique.
(sv) oväder.
(pl) —.
, bui(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather.
(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere between a severe or strong gale and a hurricane on the modern Beaufort scale.
(en) —.
(sv) oväder.
, onweersbui(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere between a severe or strong gale and a hurricane on the modern Beaufort scale.
(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather.
(en) —.
, stormwind(fr) Agitation de l’air.
(fr) Perturbation atmosphérique.
, donderbui(fr) Perturbation atmosphérique.

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