bovendien (bw):
außerdem(nl) —.
(en) moreover; furthermore.
(en) also; in addition.
(en) In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information.
(en) in addition to what has been said.
(fr) De plus.
(fr) En outre, qui plus est..
(sv) förutom detta|., überdies(nl) —.
(en) in addition to what has been said.
(fr) De plus., weiterhin(en) moreover; furthermore.
(en) also; in addition.
(en) In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information.
(fr) De plus., darüber hinaus(en) moreover; furthermore.
(en) also; in addition.
(en) In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information., des Weiteren(en) In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information.
(en) in addition to what has been said.
(fr) De plus., obendrein(en) in addition, besides, also.
(en) in addition to what has been said., noch dazu(en) in addition, besides, also.
bovendien (vz):
über(en) in addition to.
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