breuk (zn):
Bruch(nl) —.
(ca) Expressió numèrica.
(ca) Expressió numèrica.
(en) figuratively: the act of breaking.
(en) breaking up of amicable relations.
(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken.
(en) arithmetic: ratio.
(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part.
(fr) Rupture avec effort.
(fr) chirurgie.
(sv) matematik.
(zh) 不足單位的數., Verwerfung(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken.
(fr) Cassure géologique., Bruchlinie(en) geology: fracture.
(zh) 岩體中的破裂面或不連續之處., Fraktur(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken., Knochenbruch(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken., Riss(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material.
(en) chasm or fissure., Abbruch(fr) Action par laquelle une chose est rompue., Brüche(ru) число, состоящее из долей единицы., Bruch -s(ru) число, состоящее из долей единицы., Bruchzahl(ru) число, состоящее из долей единицы., Eingeweidebruch(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part., Hernia(fr) chirurgie., Hernie(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part., Leistenbruch(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part., Ritze(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material., Spalt(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material., Sprung(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material.
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