Vertaling van 'breuk' uit het Nederlands naar het Duits

breuk (zn):
Bruch(nl) —.
(ca) Expressió numèrica.
(ca) Expressió numèrica.
(en) figuratively: the act of breaking.
(en) breaking up of amicable relations.
(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken.
(en) arithmetic: ratio.
(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part.
(fr) Rupture avec effort.
(fr) chirurgie.
(sv) matematik.
(zh) 不足單位的數.
, Verwerfung(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken.
(fr) Cassure géologique.
, Bruchlinie(en) geology: fracture.
(zh) 岩體中的破裂面或不連續之處.
, Fraktur(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken.
, Knochenbruch(en) (geology) fault.
(en) act of breaking, or something broken.
, Riss(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material.
(en) chasm or fissure.
, Abbruch(fr) Action par laquelle une chose est rompue., Brüche(ru) число, состоящее из долей единицы., Bruch -s(ru) число, состоящее из долей единицы., Bruchzahl(ru) число, состоящее из долей единицы., Eingeweidebruch(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part., Hernia(fr) chirurgie., Hernie(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part., Leistenbruch(en) part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part., Ritze(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material., Spalt(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material., Sprung(en) thin space opened in a previously solid material.

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