duivel (zn):
Teufel(ca) dimoni.
(ca) dimoni.
(en) wicked or naughty person.
(en) person, especially a man; used to express a particular opinion of him.
(en) evil creature.
(en) bad part of the conscience.
(fi) paholainen.
(fr) Créature infernale.
(ru) злой дух низкого ранга, адское зловредное существо с рогами, хвостом и копытами на ногах.
(sv) ond varelse.
(pl) —., Teufelin(en) evil creature.
(en) person, especially a man; used to express a particular opinion of him.
(en) wicked or naughty person.
(en) bad part of the conscience., Dämon(en) false god, Satanic divinity.
(fr) Un esprit malin., Böse(fi) paholainen., Henker(fr) Créature infernale.
duivel (properNoun):
Satan(en) the devil: the chief devil., Teufel(en) the devil: the chief devil.
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