geraamte (zn):
Gerippe(en) system that provides support to an organism.
(en) frame that provides support to a building.
(fr) Restes d’un être mort.
(fr) Armature, charpente.
(fr) Personne ou animal d’une extrême maigreur.
(fr) Ensemble de la charpente osseuse d'un homme.
(sv) stomme i djurs kroppar., Skelett(en) system that provides support to an organism.
(en) frame that provides support to a building.
(fr) Restes d’un être mort.
(fr) Armature, charpente.
(fr) Personne ou animal d’une extrême maigreur.
(sv) stomme i djurs kroppar., Gestell(fr) Restes d’un être mort.
(fr) Armature, charpente.
(fr) Personne ou animal d’une extrême maigreur., Rohbau(en) system that provides support to an organism.
(en) frame that provides support to a building., Fachwerk(en) the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size., Figur(en) structure of a person's body., Gerüst(en) the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size., Gestalt(en) structure of a person's body., Knochengerüst(fr) Ensemble de la charpente osseuse d'un homme., Konstruktion(fr) Ensemble de la charpente osseuse d'un homme., Rahmen(en) the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size.
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