gevolg (zn):
Folge(nl) —.
(en) result of actions, especially unpleasant.
(en) that which follows something on which it depends.
(pl) —., Konsequenz(nl) —.
(en) result of actions, especially unpleasant.
(en) that which follows something on which it depends.
(es) —., Gefolge(nl) —.
(en) retinue of attendants, associates or followers.
(sv) samling personer som omgiver någon., Korollar(en) proposition which follows easily.
(es) —., Ausgang(pl) —., Begleitung(sv) samling personer som omgiver någon., Ergebnis(pl) —., Folgesatz(en) proposition which follows easily., Resultat(pl) —., Wirkung(pl) —.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken